The GSC brings together all the major global manufacturers via the three Regional Silicone Industry Associations (RSIAs) located in North America, Europe, and Japan.

Who We Are
Silicones Environmental, Health, and Safety Center (SEHSC): North America
To build on more than 40 years of industry research and outreach, the Silicones Environmental, Health, and Safety Council of North America (SEHSC) transitioned to become the Silicones Environmental, Health, and Safety Center, a sector group of the American Chemistry Council (ACC) in January 2013.
Operating as an ACC sector group, SEHSC promotes the safe use of silicones through product stewardship, outreach and environmental, health, and safety research.
SEHSC is managed in the Chemical Products and Technology Division (CPTD) of the American Chemistry Council, which provides technical and management services, issue management activities, specialized advocacy, research, education, communication and evaluation services to a core group of more than 50 sector and product groups.
SEHSC works with allied organizations in Europe Silicones Europe and Japan (SIAJ). Efforts of these associations are coordinated through GSC.
Silicones Europe
Silicones Europe is a non-profit trade organization representing all major producers of silicones in Europe and provides information on silicones from a health, safety and environmental perspective.
The primary mission of Silicones Europe is to raise awareness of silicones and their many uses as well as to promote their safety from a health, safety, and environmental perspective.
Silicones Europe is a sector group of the European Chemical Industry Council (Cefic), which is both the forum and voice of the European chemical industry.
Based in Brussels, Cefic represents directly and indirectly about 40,000 large, medium and small chemical companies in Europe, employing some two million people and accounting for more than 30% of world chemicals production.
Silicones Europe members represent all the major silicone and silane manufacturers in Europe. Silicones Europe works with allied organizations in North America (SEHSC) and Japan (SIAJ).

Silicone Industry Association of Japan (SIAJ)
The Silicone Industry Association of Japan (SIAJ) is a non-profit trade organization representing companies that produce and sell silicone products in Japan. SIAJ was founded in 1967 and consists of five companies today.
Wide varieties of silicone products are used in almost all industries in Japan. SIAJ provides accurate information about silicone products to industries and consumers and fosters health, safety, and environmental product stewardship to promote the safe use of silicones and to foster the healthy growth of the entire silicones value chain. SIAJ also exchanges information and sponsors environmental, health, and safety initiatives related to silicones, through cooperation with North America (SEHSC) and Silicones Europe (Europe).