About GSC

About GSC

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The Global Silicones Council (GSC) is a not-for-profit, international organization representing companies that produce and sell silicone products around the world. Among the GSC’s objectives are to promote the safe use and stewardship of silicones globally. To accomplish its mission, the GSC undertakes the following activities:

Monitor the environmental, health, and safety activities of the three Regional Silicone Industry Associations and coordinate activities on a global basis.

Through the Regional Silicone Industry Associations, sponsor projects to improve the public’s understanding of the benefits and safety of silicones.

Proactively promote industry communication with regulatory bodies around the world and with international environmental, health, and safety organizations, such as the World Health Organization, the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development, and the United Nations.

Through the Regional Silicone Industry Associations, identify and anticipate opportunities to enhance environmental, health, and safety research relating to silicones and engage in global projects to communicate the industry’s product stewardship commitment.

Regional Associations

GSC brings together all the major global manufacturers via the three Regional Silicone Industry Associations (RSIAs) located in North America, Europe, and Japan.

Who We Are

Industry Stewardship

The global Silicones Industry is committed to the responsible use of silicones and international environmental stewardship and extensively studies the human health and environmental impacts of its products.

Learn About Safety Research

Socioeconomic Impacts

Silicones play an increasingly important role supporting improvement, innovation, and progress in a wide range of industry sectors.

Discover Benefits & Uses